I found some useful info and I am sharing it with the hope that you will find it helpful.
I have been following D.r Amen's recommendations about the use of email for several years.
1. I look at email only once or twice a day
2. I stay focused. Before looking at my email, I write the priorities of my day.
3. Then I look only for email that are related to my priorities of the day.
4. I don't worry about responding to each piece of email. Set aside a day once a week to deal with every other message that you receive.
5. I tell my new clients to send me a text if they want me to look at an email within 24 hours. Generally it takes 72 hours for me to look at every email message.
I pass along this web page because I found it useful
Steve Math Teacher
Steve McCrea
Editor, Building More-Responsive Schools by Abraham S. Fischler, Ed.D.