Saturday, April 13, 2013

A "Flipped Classroom" presentation that you probably won't watch: a) it's 50 minutes long, (b) the presenter does not look like Brad Pitt and c) it's a powerpoint. But you will benefit from looking at the slides. d) The fellow does NOT talk about the power of Learning Styles.

B. Wilie put together a dozen slides that capture the spirit of the workshop that I described in this blog earlier today (look at the neighboring blog post...).

The title says everything:

Flipping is not about videos.
Flipping is about putting the student in the center
of the process of instruction.

Mr. Wilie, the presenter

Follow at @bwilie

To learn more about other beliefs or questionable principles about education and learning, see Dr. Clark's article

Two additional articles:

I find it interesting that the belief in learning styles is very persistent.  This series of quotes comes from an article by Steven Stahl.
The article was suggested to me by Dr. Richard E. Clark and I'm now convinced that I've been misleading students.  The idea is intuitively appealing, but not useful for students.  As the poster notes at the end of this post, please focus on

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Here is the second article:

For more information about Questionable Principles about Learning, see Dr. Clark's article.

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