Monday, October 8, 2012

Beyond "access and analyze information" >> a higher global skill (

It is easy to raise issues and create "informed students."  That's one of the goals of Tony Wagner's work.  He wants schools to focus on building and measuring essential skills (not "did you get an A in Calculus" but rather "what did you do with the information that you learned from a film that you recently saw?").  Can the student access and analyze information?

Let's go to the next level:  What did the student do with the information that was analyzed?

I'm having this issue with a movie trailer.  (<< yes, click, please)  I have not seen the film yet, but after watching the 3-minute trailer, I want to know:  What is an informed consumer supposed to do?

I have posted the following on the film's facebook page:  I'm looking for "what consumers can do" after seeing the movie.   I think this organization might have some of the answers.   

That's called "my internet effect" or the impact that I have on the internet.   You can read more at and

I'm looking for more issues to use as examples:
a) find information
b) analyze the information
c) do something, advocate something, build a webpage to get viewers of the video to take action.

I want to show examples of student work that shows "work beyond analysis."

Write to me at

1. Evaluate my choice of photos to illustrate this movie.   Which photo should I have used?
2.  Did I choose the best font size and did I adequately (and minimally) get the issue across?
3.  Was I an effective communicator?
4.  What could I do to improve the impact of this blog post?
5.  What sentences could I have written that would change the viewer's emotional response?
6.  What actions could I have asked the reader to take after reading my blog post?

What homework would you rather have your child do?  30 minutes of math or we could ask him to use the math that he learned to create change in the world.   

One part of the grade that the student receives is the number of clicks that his actions have generated, perhaps by creating a Facebook group and then asking his friends and others to click on the page.  The teacher should have a narrative that describes the impact of the student's work.  This facebook page that I posted on has one friend who has liked it... because that person told me about it.  I have had NO impact on the Behind the Label facebook group.  I got 16 of my friends to click on a page that I created for Gene Ciccolo -- and there is a total of 30 likes, so that means I've had impact beyond my circle of friends.  That's how to measure a student's or a team of students' knowledge: can they apply what they heard or read?  if so, then the students really learned that information.

Remember Dan Heath's "three steps to change":
People need to See it
so then they Feel it 
so then they Get the ENERGY needed to make a change.

Go ahead, watch Dan Heath's presentation
It is three minutes long -- and the additional clicks will show that I had a "net effect."

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