Sunday, January 27, 2013

TOJDE - a free Online Journal about Distance Education (and a new Regional Organization called EEWANA)

Please compare the images on this blog post.

The first is the cover page of the most recent edition of TOJDE.

Look at the links.  You can download the entire issue of the journal as a PDF.  Free.  No charge.  You don't have to have a subscription through a university library.

That's a tremendous service to graduate students, who might not have access to the various databases that their universities pay to use.

How much does it cost?

Now look at this publisher of university journals.  An independent reader, not connected to a graduate program, has to go through a special process to get to my article.

Click here to find the table of contents of this journal

Link to this page

Now look at a typical article that is stored on JSTOR.

The ornate J logo is eye-catching, but indicates that you need to "pay to read."

The site gives a helpful "login" to link the graduate student to the subscription that the university's library maintains to allow access to the articles.

Is there another way to distribute information?

Aaron Schwartz had an idea.

Aaron Schwartz looted JSTOR in an attempt to share information.   

Link to the article

Link to the JSTOR Liberator article


Let's learn more about free online journals?
TOJDE helps its readers get interesting articles.

The journal also is a platform for the EEWANA region:  Eastern Europe, West Asia and North Africa could become a region of cooperation.  There are many shared resources that bring this region together as a trading bloc.  

It's an interesting concept described by Ugur Demiray in several publications.

This chapter will mention the distance education practices in Turkey, and will examine and discuss the role of leadership which should be undertaken by Turkey in the region of Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, Baltic, Turkic, Caucasian, the Middle East and North Africa regions. International distance education organizations in the world are not well organized and functional in this area or for the regional distance education institutions in the name of educational institutionalism. To fill this gap, it will be argued that Turkey might have a leadership role in the distance education field in this region and can be organize the practices of the regional countries in academy and practice. The structure of the potential distance education organization and the regulations of the organizations will be discussed more detailed separate article based on this argument and available at The suggested name for this regional group is ICDEEEWA (International Council for Distance Education for Eastern Europe and West Asia). A draft of the constitution of the recommended association is presented and discussed at

Why not visit TOJDE today?

UPDATE (2014)

The EEWANA region now has a United Distance Education association called

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