Saturday, December 15, 2012

Pompeii Dog

Pompeii Dog by jkmccrea1
Pompeii Dog, a photo by jkmccrea1 on Flickr.
A message to principals: Why not ask the applicants who want to become teachers in your school to create a blog or facebook group or some method of sharing photos that are meaningful. Ask the would-be teachers to write stories about the photos. Hire the applicants who wrote stories that move you to tears.

Dan Pink tells us to focus on building the skill of STORY TELLING. Part of the building comes from being a model for that behavior.   Look for the latest from

Example: When I see this photo, I remember the joy that my wife had on her face while visiting Pompeii. She found the dog, noticed that he or she was looking at something, and then snapped the photo. That sort of "ready to capture" mindset is what I want to encourage in my students. My wife won't say, "I wish I had caught that dog" -- and I want my students to say, "I'm glad I was prepared to catch that photo..."

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