Tuesday, July 23, 2013

How can a video inspire a lesson in design? Take screenshots and ask students to analyze each step in the video. "Intention" by Apple Computer


Instead of just watching and then moving on, let's use one word:

Yes, let's focus on each phrase in this video.

Look for the most interesting frames in this video.

(a)  What happened here to show "surprise"?

(b) What logo designs can you create for words?

(c)  Why not use "make" or "build" in this sentence? What does the word "craft" bring to this sentence?  

(d) Why not use the phrase "improves each life"?

Do we take enough time before we say, "Here it is"?
I encourage my students to say, "I'm not ready to sign my work.
I'd like to work on this for another thirty minutes, please."

Why does the company use this phrase?

I found this video on this Twitter account.
You can say "Thanks"
by clicking on https://twitter.com/ArtForceInc

Let's start from the top of this blog post and ask
(1) Point to five frames from this video and identify something in each frame.
(2) What do you like about this video?
(3)  What would you change to improve the video?

Notes for teachers:
The first step in the procedure comes from Richard E. Clark, who points out that people tend to write more if you ask them to point at a photo and if you ask them to point to a specific number of items, such as "find five things in this photo."   CLICK here to learn more  

A friend, Jean Greer, brought the Apple video to my attention.  Thank you, Jean.   Dan Pink urges teachers to bring design into our classroom and Jean has helpedme by introducing me to the "Intention" video by Apple.  

Here is the new procedure:


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